
The Salmon Enhancement Alliance (SEA) has a strong vision to push for progressive policy that puts cutting-edge salmon science and innovative solutions on the ground. SEA was founded to break out of the box of “sameness” that does the same things over and over, hoping for a different solution every time. 

We will work to bring landowners, scientists, and resource management agencies together to shed the cover of risk adversity and embrace new directions to save these fish. 

We will work to build capacity and strengthen economic stability along our river systems, returning the health and numbers of our salmon runs through increasing the “willing” participation of landowners in areas we previously could not access. 

We will not stand idly by to observe planned extinction. We will build grassroots coalitions that respect and honor landowners and find creative incentives to monetize rearing wild fish and create new critical habitats. 

We will work to create an environment where landowners are willing to provide the least productive, wettest portions of their property to become highly productive acreage rearing wild salmon. 

We will work with our First Nations people, our communities, counties, and the state and federal government to create a welcoming atmosphere for saving salmon that makes it less onerous and foreboding for the average farmer, rancher, or family timber owner to become involved in these efforts. 

We will work together with our agencies to streamline the regulatory maze, so review of restoration proposals from the local to the federal level is more uniform, encouraging, and easy to understand. 

We will work to implement the best of new ecological engineering strategies and model projects to save salmon and educate agencies and citizens to their effectiveness. 




About Us

Salmon Enhancement Alliance is a registered Oregon non-profit designated 501(c)3 109 Public Charity formed in January of 2012.

Board President David Landkamer ED.d, Board Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Orton, Board Member James F Wright, Director of Communications Danny A Hall.

Emeritus Board President John Brenneman. Emeritus Board Member Dick Severson.

In memory of founding members: Dr. Bill McNeil Ph.D. & Tom Becker Sr.

Contact: [email protected]